The use of Lightico has transformed the journey drastically reducing its length eliminating the use of paper and increasing the number of applications that agents can process on a daily basis.

7 Sheets
Saved in the journey, making the process 100% paperless
Increase in conversion rates (i.e. customer paying the boleto)
14 Minutes
The average time now taken to complete a journey (previously 6 days)
Increase in first call resolution (on average 5 calls reduced to 1)
untitled (presentation (169))


With over 102 million customers across Europe, South America, North America and Asia, Santander Group is the 16th largest banking institution in the world. The group offers a wide selection of products and services to personal, commercial and large corporate and institutional customers.

As part of Santander’s Global Simplification Programme, the Group is exploring ways to simplify and streamline operations, while maintaining its high-quality open financial services platform.

One of the journeys that Santander Brazil decided to focus on and improve was its Refinancing/ Collections journey, a process fraught with multiple stages and convoluted processes and checks.

“Lightico worked with us to understand the specific difficulties our customers were facing and then devised a solution to address these challenges. As a result, we have created a radically improved customer journey that is market-leading in the collections division in Brazil, and provided a unique way for our customers to gain more clarity about the collections procedure, while being able to make repayments more conveniently than ever before.”


Gustavo Santos
Head of Products, CRM and Digital, Santander Consumer Brazil


At the start of the automotive finance repayment process, affordability checks tended to take a lot of call time, with some of the advice particularly difficult to explain to the customer over the phone.

Santander wanted to make the process clearer for the customer, while reducing the length of the journeys and making it more cost-effective.

  1. Approximately 80% of sessions are completed on a mobile device in Brazil, therefore the journey needed to be mobile responsive.  
  2. A typical automotive finance collections journey would take on average six days and a minimum of five calls to complete a renegotiation.
  3. If the customer made a mistake filling any part of the form incorrectly, they needed to complete a new document, and the journey would essentially have to start again.


The use of our platform has transformed the journey, drastically reducing its length, eliminating the use of paper and increasing the number of applications that agents can process on a daily basis.

  1. Lightico’s technology brought the journey time down from 6 days to just 14 minutes.
  2. Via a secure URL sent by the agent, the customer accepts an online session, which allows the agent to use visual technology to explain the various options to the customer.

  3. The customer can upload the necessary documents, accept agreements via an electronic signature, and download the CET, contract, and boleto, all done in one online session.


The use of Lightico’s Technology has transformed the journey, drastically cutting down on journey length, eliminating the use of paper, and increasing the number of applications that agents can process on a daily basis.

The Lightico enhanced automotive finance collections journey is now the default process across Santander Brazil, with 60% of all journeys completed via this method.

"I was delighted with how it all worked and how simple it was to explain the process to my customers. It’s amazing how a journey that originally took at least six days has been brought down to less than 20 minutes."

Santander Brazil Agent

Accelerate Turnaround Times
with Lightico