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eSignatures are becoming vital tools in the business world to help streamline and simplify processes. No matter the size of your business, digitizing with the use of eSignatures creates the shift from slow email and snail mail to immediate signatures anywhere. Next-generation eSignatures deliver the highest signature completion rate by making it easy for customers to sign documents from their cell phones and communicate with agents via text message. In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 eSignature use cases for small businesses (SMBs).

10 eSignature Use Cases for Small Businesses

  1. Vendor/Supplier Agreements

Smaller businesses often struggle to hold their position when negotiating with large vendors. But, if they are able to reach an agreement quickly and with a high-tech eSignature platform, they become more respected and enjoyable to work with. Instead of taking hours or days to finalize an agreement, it would be finalized in a matter of minutes. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Retail
  • Customer or business services

2. Change Orders

Businesses that focus on individualized projects for customers often deal with lots of change along the way. Clients can change their mind or there can be an unexpected change in the middle of a project. With eSignatues, change orders can be completed quickly to avoid delays in the project. Also, both the client and the business can view their updated order online at any time, since eSigned documents are saved in the cloud. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Architects
  • Web designers
  • Construction

3. Employee Onboarding

When hiring a new person, there are tons of papers that need to be filled out such as contracts, benefits enrollment, paychecks, and more. However, if these documents can be signed digitally, the employee onboarding process becomes much easier and faster. Then the employee can start working sooner and their time can be spent on more valuable tasks. In fact, a Glassdoor study concluded that new hire retention improved by 82% when the organization had a strong onboarding process. Any business with more than one employee would be put in this scenario.

4. Non-Disclosure Agreements

Non-disclosure agreements are important in such a competitive environment because they allow you to do business more securely and freely. If they need to be signed with a pen and paper, it becomes very inconvenient and are often ignored or forgotten about. With the use of eSignatures, it becomes easy, fast, and convenient to sign because they can be eSigned on a mobile device. Examples of this scenario include:
  • Employee NDAs
  • Licensing negotiations
  • Protecting IP
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5. New Customer Forms

When new customers want to do business with you, it is much easier to use eSignatures over heavy paperwork and handwritten signatures. Not only does this save money on paper and printing, but it also ensures more accuracy and saves time. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Salons and spas
  • Doctor’s offices

6. Sales Contracts

In many cases, sales contracts are the most common form of documentation to be signed, as well as the most important. Sales contracts are used in businesses of any size, ranging from a small residential business to a multinational enterprise. Lightico’s platform provides a solution for any business of any size. Examples of his scenario include:
  • B2B sales
  • Real estate contracts
  • Service businesses

7. Distributor/Channel Agreements

When working with others and creating partnerships with dealers, distributors, or any sales channel, it is important to make the partnership as easy and enjoyable as possible. The success of your business depends on how well you work with others. By implementing eSignature solutions, deals become easier and more people will enjoy doing business with you. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Technology companies
  • Wholesalers

8. Intellectual Property Licensing & Other Legal Agreements

Lightico’s eSignatures are legally binding, have a full audit trail, and are securely kept in the cloud. The eSignature solution surpasses legal requirements such as the ESIGN Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, making it a reliable platform for SMBs and large businesses. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Franchise stores
  • Technology companies

9. Customer Approvals

When businesses deal with custom orders, they need to be precise and the approval before manufacturing is a crucial component. With an eSignature solution, businesses can capture and secure approvals easily and efficiently, so customers have their orders completed quickly. Examples of SMBs in this scenario include:
  • Print shops
  • Custom art/furniture

10. Parental Consent/Age Verification

ID verification, which is a part of Lightico’s eSignature solution, can be used to verify the age and identity of others. If you work with kids, need to verify the age of employees at a restaurant for alcohol purposes, or need parental consent for anything, eSignatures and ID verification tools combine to make this easier. Examples of this scenario include:
  • School field trips
  • Party supply rentals
  • Kids’ day camp

eSignatures Now a Must For Small Businesses

eSignatures are no longer a luxury reserved for the biggest firms — they can significantly help small businesses sell and serve their customers in an efficient manner. And at a time when businesses are competing with each other over customer experience, having an eSignature platform can give an important edge. This platform should ideally include not just eSignatures but also eForms, digital document collection, and automatic ID verification. Learn more at New call-to-action

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reviews"Great tool to expedite customer service"

The most helpful thing about Lightico is the fast turnaround time, The upside is that you are giving your customer an easy way to respond quickly and efficiently. Lightico has cut work and waiting time as you can send customer forms via text and get them back quickly, very convenient for both parties.

"Great Service and Product"

I love the fact that I can send or request documents from a customer and it is easy to get the documents back in a secured site via text message. Our company switched from Docusign to Lightico, as Lightico is easier and more convenient than Docusign, as the customer can choose between receiving a text message or an email.