Speed up your customer-facing journeys, from beginning to end
AI enhanced document collection, data extraction & analysis
Get customer eSignature and consents instantly & remotely
Advanced Identity & ID Verification tools to fight fraud
Collect your customer’s data using eForms in any channel
Easily design & adjust customer-facing processes using a workflow engine
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Higher Conversion Rate
Reduction in turn around time
Higher NPS
“Lightico’s technology provides the customer with a superior experience over other eSignature providers.”
Brian JonesCEO
Faster Time to Funding
“Lightico’s technology has made an incredible impact on our operations, bottom line and customers.”
Brian RenfroCMO, SVP Collections
eSignature Conversion Rate on Extensions
“Lightico’s team provides valuable expert guidance on how to improve the business impact of their solution.”
Vincent AtaleseManager of Operations
Turnaround Time to Consent